If you’re a bride with an over-involved mother, try to appreciate her wantingness to be helpful in her own way. Are you almost to the point of enough? Here are a few tips to get your mother to take a step back for your wedding plans.
How Does a Hashtag Work for My Wedding?
5 Tips for Creating a Wedding Budget and Sticking To It
How to Choose Accessories for Your Wedding Dress
With plenty of choices in wedding accessories, jewelry shopping can be just as confusing as wedding gown shopping. The key is to pick accessories that complement your dress choice and reflect your personal style. This guide from the Best for Bride team of wedding fashion experts will help you do this right.
Types of Veils
What Happens to Flowers After the Wedding?
Colors – Traditional or Blended?
Wedding Favors 101
Getting Ready for a Bridal Show
Wedding Insurance
Are you considering getting a policy for your wedding? It might be worthwhile and beneficial to you. For our wedding, I bought a policy….just in case something happened! The policy wasn’t very expensive but had us covered in case of any major incidentals so that we weren’t out-of-pocket the entire cost of the wedding.
Wedding Emergency Kit
Why Premarital Counseling?
Why the Stress?
Bridesmaids Dresses – How to Choose!
Is a Destination Wedding For You?
Guest Book and Its Alternatives
Contacting the Non-RSVP Guests
Tipping Vendors
Advice for Wedding Dress Shopping
I’m a total sucker for the show “Say Yes to the Dress.” And on the show, you see a variety of brides, style choices, and people helping them choose a dress. Just watch a couple of episodes, and you’ll see how overwhelming wedding dress shopping can be. Here are some of my real life tips about selecting a wedding dress.